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  Acorn ANC01 6502 2nd processor

[Index by function ]     [Index by Company] 

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor (front & top)

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor side

Acorn 6502 2nd processor (right side) 

Acorn 6502 2nd processor back 

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor (back)

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor bottom

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor (bottom)

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor open

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor with top cover removed

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor circuit board top

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor circuit board (top)

 Acorn 6502 2ndprocessor circuit board bottom

 Acorn 6502 2nd processor circuit board bottom

This is my 6502 2nd processor which was one of the first upgrades I bought for my BBC B. I have always believed that you can never have too much memory or too fast a CPU, so the BBC B's limited memory and slower CPU were just waiting for an upgrade. Acorn produced a special version of BASIC (Hi-BASIC) and View (Hi-View) to maximise the amount of memory abailable, Computer Concepts also produced a special version of Wordwise (Hi-Wordwise) on disc.

Acorn 6502 2nd processor brochureHere is the brochure describing the 6502 2nd processor.
The pictures show:

  1. The front view of the 6502 2nd processor show the typical "cheese wedge" shape and the labels. The hand written label was my reminder of the commands to load the language I wanted.
  2. The right side showing the "cheese wedge" shape, the left side is the same.
  3. The back of the 6502 2nd processor showing the power cable, fuse and on/off switch.
  4. The bottom of the 6502 2nd processor showing the ribbon cable to connect to the TUBE interface underneath the BBC micro or Master and the serial number (03-ANC01-1003860).
  5. Inside the 6502 2nd processor with the psu at the front and the circuit board in the middle. There is a lot of empty space in the "cheese wedge"!
  6. The 6502 2nd processor circuit board with the ribbon cable to the right and the Ferranti ULA next to it. the GTE 65SC02P-1 CPU is next to the ULA with the Boot ROM next to it.
  7. The bottom of the 6502 2nd processor circuit board.

A Hires copy of the 6502 2nd processor circuit board is HERE  .

A copy of the 6502 second processor User Guide is available in documents HERE.
A copy of the 6502 second processor Service Manual is available HERE 

In May 1984 Acorn User published a review titled 'New dimension in time and space '.