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Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit (front)
Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit (right)
Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit (back)
Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit (bottom)
The serial number, on the bottom, is 03-ANC21-1000861.
Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit open with co-processor
Acorn Universal Second Processor with an Acorn ADC06 6502 Co-processor fitted.
Acorn ANC21 Universal 2nd Processor Unit open without co-processor
The Acorns Universal Second Processor Unit allows a Master Co-processor to be fitted inside and used as a second processor with a BBC Micro or external co-processor with a BBC Master 128.
Here is the Acorn brochure APP111 Universal Second Processor .