Acorn FileStore E01S
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Acorn FileStore E01S (front)

Acorn FileStore E01S without front flap

Acorn FileStore E01S (back)

Acorn FileStore E01S (bottom)

Acorn FileStore E01S with cover off and floppy disc drives removed

Acorn FileStore E01S without cover and Econet Module

Acorn ADF10 Econet Module from FileStore E01S
The FileStore E01S was Acorns second generation Filestore replacing the FileStore E01. The FileStore is a dedicated Econet fileserver, it does not support a keyboard and monitor, instead you use anEconet attached station to logon and perform administrative tasks.
- Picture 1 shows the FileStore E01S,.
- Picture 2 shows it with the front flap removed showing the 2 800K floppy discs.
- Picture 3 shows the back of with E01S with, from left to right, the Econet socket, the FileStore Expansion bus, the printer socket, the power supply lead, auxillary power socket and on off switch. The auxillary power socket can be used to power stacked E40S or E60Ss. The File Store expansion bus is a SCSI bus.
- Picture 4 shows the bottom of the E01S with cooling fan and serial number.
- Picture 5 shows the E01S with the cover and floppy disc drives removed to show the circuit board. On the right is the Econet module. A HiRes copy of this picture is available HERE.
- Picture 6 shows the E01S with the Econet module removed.
- Picture 7 shows the Econet module fro the FileStore E01S