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Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor (front)
Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor (side)
Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor (back)
Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor (open)
Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor circuit board (top)
Technomatic Multiform Z80 2nd Processor circuit board (bottom)
The Technomatical Multiform Z80 second processor has a 4MHz Z80A CPU, 64K of RAM and a CP/M like OS called OSM. It connects to the BBC micro via the 1MHz bus. It uses the BBC discs and can support 8271 or 1770 disc contri=ollers and single or double density disc drives. I supoported multiple CP/M disc formats.
Here is a advert for the Multiform Z80:
In October 1986 Acorn User published a review titled "Improve your memory "
A HiRes picture of the circuit board is available HERE .