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  Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board

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WE 13 ROM board top 

Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board (top) 

 WE 13 ROM Board bottom

 Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board (bottom)

The Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board actually takes 12 ROMs and has 2 x 8KB static RAM chips (bottom right in top picture) providing the final 13 ROM. This means that a ROM image can be loaded into RAM, selected and run. The links (top right) on the board are marked:

In the bottom picture, you can see that there is only 1 set of pins which would fit into 1 of the BBC Micro's ROM sockets.
I do not have a manual so cannot provide any more details of the board.

The Watford Electronics BBC Micro ROM Paging System manual is available HERE .