[Risc PC Computers] [A7000+] [Computers ]
The A7000 was launched in July 1995 as the "baby brother" of the Risc PC. It used the ARM7500 which, like the ARM250 before it, combined the ARM7 CPU, VIDC20 and IOMD in a single chip. To make the A7000 easier to manufacture and hence cheaper, most of the expansion capabities of the RiscPC have been removed:
At last Acorn adopted the PS/2 mouse in the A7000. which meant that PC standard P/S2 mice and keyboards could be used.
There are a number of different models of the A7000 with different memory, hard discs, NIC and CDROM. There is also a special Early Years version with bundled software. The A7000 runs RISC OS 3.60.
Some of the models are:
Here is the Acorn promotional brochure APP868 ARM7500.
Here is the ART A7000 factsheet.
Here is the A7000 Welcome Guide.
I am not sure where and when I bought my A7000 (AMC23), I can't find a record of it!. The A7000 has a CDROM drive and an i-cubed EtherLan 600 interface installed.
Here are some pictures:
A7000 running RISC OS 3.60
A7000 running RISC OS 3.60 with an old AKF18 monitor.
Acorn Logo and A7000 label
A7000 Acorn logo on the front right of the case. Note there is no "+" after A7000.
A7000 (back)
This shows the blank plate for the podule expansion and serial number in the middle. Along the bottom are the interface ports: reset button, audio out, video out, keyboard, mouse, Ethernet, parallel and serial ports.
A7000 with the top cover off
This shows the CDROM and floppy disc drive. The network card is just visible at the bottom in the middle. The power supply is bottom left. There is no space for further expansion with a CDROM installed!
A7000 Motherboard & NIC
A7000 motherboard with i-cubed Network Interface in the network socket.
A7000 Motherboard
A7000 motherboard and speaker in the bottom of the case. At the bottom left is the 16MB EDO SIMM, in the bottom middle are the 2 RISC OS 3.60 ROMs and on the bottom right is the backplane slot. You cannot use a backplae if you have a CDROM drive installed as there is not enough space. In the middle left there are the IDE and floppy drive connectors with the battery for the CMOS ROM above them. In the middle of the board is the Network slot socket and to its lower right the ARM7500 CPU. The power supply connectors are on the right hand edge. Along the top are the connectors.
Serial No. | 80-AMC23-1014337 |
Unique identity | 0050A4011A5F |
Motherboard part no. | 1102,005 |
CPU Type | ARM7500 |
CPU Model | VLSI VY27073B 1202,900 Rev A |
CPU Clock | 32MHz |
Memory Controller | IOMD |
Memory | 4MB on board, 16MB EDO SIMM |
Memory Clock | 16MHz |
Video Controller | VIDC20 |
Floppy Disc Drive | 3.5" TEAC FD-235HF |
Hard Disc Controller | on board IDE |
Hard Disc Drive | 206MB Seagate ST3660A |
CDROM | Sony CDU77E-Q6 x4 |
Backplane Model | n/a |
Backplane part no | n/a |
Podule 0 | n/a |
NIC | I-cubed EtherLAN 600 |
OS | RISC OS 3.60 |
OS Date | 13-Apr-95 |
SICK v1.22 Dhrystone/sec kWhetstones/sec | 24,252 137 |
ARMSi v4.0 MIPS | 17.87 |