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Acorn Computer Shows


An importa\nt part of the Acorn world has been the regular computer shows which helped hold the community together and spread the news of new releases and other developments. This page contains catalogues/showguides from variety of Acorn computer shows. Please note that this is not a complete list of shows rather it is a list of the shows I have show guides for.

Acorn User

The Acorn User Show was organised by Acorn User magazine in conjunction with Acorn.

Acorn World

Acorn World was the annual computer show organised by Acorn to showcase new releases and make exiting anouncements.

The RISC OS Show

The RISC OS Show was organised by the ARM Club

RISCOS Southwest

The RISC OS Southwest show was originally organised by the Bristol Acorn Risc User Group and Wessex ARM User Group. Since 2007 it has been organised by RISCOS Ltd.

RISC OS South East Show

The Risc OS South East Show is organised by the Surrey and Sussex Acorn User Group.

RISC London Show

Organised by the RISC OS User Group of London , the RISC OS London Show took over from the RISC OS South East Show. The show is held at the end of October.

Wakefield RISC OS Computer Show

The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Show is organised by the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club  and with the demise of Acorn become the premier annual RISC OS show.