IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade

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IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade front 

IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade (front) 

 An A3000 RAM upgrade from IFEL from 1990. The board has 8 x OKI M514256A-80Z ICs, 8 x 256k x 4bits = 1MB. and a link to seletc 2 or 4MB on the left above the serial number. The link on this card is set to 2MB.

IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade front

IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade (front) 

IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade back

IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade (back) 

Another IFEL A3000 RAM Upgrade. The board has 8 x GM71C4400AZ-70 FPM DRAM, 8 x 1024k x 4bits = 4MB and the link on the left is made to select 4MB