Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller

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Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller top

 Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller (top)

Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller back

 Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller (back) 

This picture shows the Centronics-type connect used to connect to an ST506 disc drive.

Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller left

 Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller (left) 

Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller front

  Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller (front)

This picture shows the podule connector that plugs into the A3000 External Podule expansion connector. The tongue at the front slides into a matching groove on the A3000 and the two holes in the top flap are for the screws that fix the expansion case securely to the back of the A3000.

Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller circuit board

 Morley Electronics A3000 ST506 Controller circuit board 

This picture shows the ST506 podule inside the A3000 podule expansion case.

The Morely Electronic A3000 ST506 Controller podule is enclosed in an A3000 expansion case, it fits onto the external podule expansion at the back of the A3000 and connects to an ST506 hard disc. It uses a Hitachi HD63463PB Disk controller. Morley sold 20, 40 & 55MB ST506 hard discs for use with the podule.