Acorn ACD05 16bit sound upgrade

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Acorn ACD05 Risc PC 16bit sound card

Acorn ACD05 Risc PC 16bit sound upgrade (front)

 Acorn ACD05 16bit sound upgrade (back)

 Acorn ACD05 Risc PC 16bit sound upgrade (back)

The early Risc PC 600s only had 8bit sound as Acorn once again saved a few pence here and there to keep the price down. The first Risc PC 600s didn't have the pins for connections (e.g. my original Risc PC 600 with an Issue C motherboard), Issue D motherboards have the relevant pins, so the 16 bit sound upgrade can be installed.

The Acorn Risc PC 16-bit Sound Upgrade software disc is HERE , it has the SoundDMA and Player support modules and !Player and an updated Replay !ARPlayer application.

Here are the Acorn 16-bit Audio Card Release Note  and Acorn 16-bit Audio Card User Guide .