Armadillo A448 Sampler

[Index by function]  [Index by Company] 

Armadillo A448 Sampler issue 4 top 

Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 4 (top) 

 Armadillo A448 Sampler issue 4 (back)

Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 4 (back) 

 Armadillo A448 Sampler issue 4 bottom

 Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 4 (bottom)

Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 5 (top) 

Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 5 (top)

Armadillo A448 Sampler issue 5 back 

Aramadillo A448 Sampler Issue 5 (back)

 Armadillo A448 Sampler issue 5 bottom

Armadillo A448 Sampler Issue 5 (bottom)

This was one of the early third-party podules, it is copyright 1988. It has a standard size jackplug input with switch between Mic/Line and MIDI sockets (In/Thru/Out).

I have no documentation for this podule.
Here is the HighNote-Audio Software Sampler/Editor.  Note that this may require a Key Disc which I don't have.