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Baildon Electronics A3000 IDE Interface v3 (top)
Baildon Electronics A3000 IDE Interface v3 (back)
Baildon Electronics A3000 IDE Interface v3 (bottom)
The identification of this mini-podule as a Baildon Electronics IDE interface is not 100% certain. The identification on the card reads "A3000 IDE INTERFACE (c) 1990 S&F +BE V3". The layout of the card is similar to later IDE interfaces and there even appears to be an I2C connector to the right of the extenal IDE connector. The Disc drive on the top is a PrairieTek 120 20MB hard disc. the label on the ROM on the bottom reads "IDE3 V1.14".
Asssuming that the identification is correct this card was developed into the ICS ideA IDE interfaces, the FocusIT IDE Interface and the ADPL A3IN IDE interface (for details see under the various companies).