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FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion

[Index by function]      [Index by Company ]

 FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Opt A top

 FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option A (top)

FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion OptA back 

  FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option A (back)

FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion OptA bottom 

 FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option A (bottom) 

FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion OptB top 

 FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option B (top) 

FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion OptB back 

  FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option B (back)

 FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion OptB bottom

  FocusIT A3000 Internal Expansion Option B (Bottom)

The Syscom Products A3000 Internal Expansion mini-podule was badged and sold by several companies including Focus IT and Oak. There was a range of 3 internal expansions which replicated the I/O ports on the BBC Micro. The 3 mini-podules are:

The User port uses an R6522AP Peripheral Interface Adapter. The Analogue port uses an NEC D7002C Analog/Digital converter.

Options A and B are pictured above.
I have no documentation for this minipodule.