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HCCS A5000 User Port Analogue podule (top)
HCCS A5000 User Port Analogue podule (back)
HCCS A5000 User Port Analogue podule (bottom)
The HCCS A5000 User Port Analogue podule provides a BBC I/O User Port and Analogue port for an A5000. The User Port has a short 25 pin D toBBC user port socket cable so that BBC products can be connected.
The User port is controlled by an Rockwell R65C22P2 Versatile Interface Adapter and the Analogue port is controller by an NEC D7002C A/D Converter. Tis podule's serial number is UPA-A5-100627 and the ROM is labelled "User/Analogue A5000 Version 1.00"