Video Electronics Ltd ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card

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VEL ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card top

Video Electronics Ltd ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card (top) 

VEL ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card back

 Video Electronics Ltd ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card (back) 

VEL ARVC2 Video controller and Genlock card bottom

 Video Electronics Ltd ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card (bottom) 

The Video Electronics Ltd ARVC2 ArVis Videocontroller and Genlock Expansion card genlocks the Archimedes display to an external composite video signal from cameras, videotape, videodisc and television. It can acquire, manipulate and create full colour video images. It can be connected via ribbon cable to the ArVis ARDG2 Videographics expansion card to create a powerful video workstation.

Here is the Video Electronics Ltd ArVis ARVC2 Videocontroller and Genlock card  product description.
Here is the ArVis Hardware and Installation Details  manual.