Vertical Twist A3000 8 bit SCSI and User Port

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vertical Twist 8 bit SCSI and User Port top 

Vertical Twist A3000 Internal 8 bit SCSI and User Port (top)

Vertical twist 8 bit SCSI & User Port back 

 Vertical Twist A3000 Internal 8 bit SCSI and User Port (back)

 Vertical twist 8 bit SCSI & User Port bottom

 Vertical Twist A3000 Internal 8 bit SCSI and User Port (bottom) 

The Vertical Twist A3000 Interal 8 bit SCSI and User port interface provides all the connectivity a school might need. SCSI to connect to a hard disc, scanner or other SCSI device and a User Port for the various control applications carried forward from the BBC days.
I do not know what the 3rd port with the DIN socket is for.

The Vertical TwistSCSI Card and Drive User's Manual is available HERE.
The Vertical Twist SCSI Utilities disc is available HERE .