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VTI Printer Port Sampler

[Index by function ]     [Index by Company ]

VTI Printer Port Sampler box

 VTI Printer Port Sampler box

VTI Printer Port Sampler top

 VTI Printer Port Sampler (top)

VTI Printer Port Sampler circuit board top

  VTI Printer Port Sampler circuit board (top)

VTI Printer Port Sampler circuit board bottom

  VTI Printer Port Sampler circuit board (bottom)

VTI Printer Port Sampler microphone

  VTI Printer Port Sampler microphone

The VTI Printer Port Sampler connects to the printer port and has Line In and Mic input sockets. It includes a Maplin Bi-directional Dynamic Mic YU-34 600Ohm. The circuit board has 2 ICs - a TLC272CP dual CMOS Op AMP and a TLC549IP 8bit 40KSPS ADC Serial Out.

Also included are Jason Tribbeck's Sonor sample editor and Talking Canvas multimedia presentation package. Both applications are available from his website