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  Acorn Econet X25 Gateway


 Acorn Econet X25 gateway

Acorn Econet X25 Gateway 

Picture of Econet X25 Gateway and a Microvitec Cub monitor showing the power on messages. Note the Acorn Tube Z80 64K which means that there is a Z80 second processor inside. It is not connected to an Econet network.

Acorn Econet X25 gateway front 

 Acorn Econet X25 Gateway (front)

Picture of the front of the Econet X25 Gateway showing the power indicator and on/off switch on the left.

 Acocn Econet X25 Gateway back

 Acorn Econet X25 Gateway (back)

Picture of the back of the Econet X25 Gateway showing, from left to right, X25 connector, Video out, RGB, analogue in, Econet, cooling fan and the power in socket. Between the RGB and analogue in socket someone has cut holes for the Serial and cassette sockets. The holes need enlarging to fit the DIN plugs easily.

 Acorn Econet X25 gateway open

Acorn Econet X25 Gateway with top off

Picture of the Econet X25 Gateway with the top cover removed showing the power supply on the right, the Tube connector in the bottom left, the Z80 card and the X25 interface in the top right.

 Acorn Econet X25 gateway Z80 card

 Acorn Econet X25 Gateway Z80 card

Picture of the Econet X25 Gateway Z80 second processor card showing the 2 Z80B CPUs in the middle and the Ferranti Tube ULA in the bottom right. The white labelled ROMs, from the top, are X25 (LO) ROM1, X25 (HI) ROM2 and X25 Boot ROM.

 Here is a HiRes picture of the Z80 card .

Acorn Econet X25 gateway BBC B+ card 

Acorn Econet X25 Gateway BBC B+ card

Picture of the Econet X25 Gateway BBC B+ motherboard with the Econet port in the top right with the white Labelled ROMs below (from top, X25 OS ROM, B/B+ ANFS ROM and X25 TSI V0.51), In the Middle at the bottom are the 2 VL6522 VIAs and the R6512AP CPU. The only difference from a normal BBC B+ motherboard is that the connectors on the front edge are mounted vertically.

Here is a HiRes picture of the BBC B+ motherboard. 

The Acorn Econet X25 Gateway provided access for Econet users to an X25 network (e.g. JANET or BT PSS). I do not have access to an X25 network, so I cannot test it. The Econet X25 Gateway is based on the BBC B+ motherboard with a dual CPU Z80 second processor card.

Here is the Acorn Brochure Econet X25 Gateway.
Here is the Acorn document The Econet-X25 Gateway.
Here is the Acorn document Functional Specification of Econet-X25 Gateway.
Here is the Acorn document The X25/Econet Interface .