Element 14 AcTiVe Set Top Box

[Element 14 ]     [After Acorn ]


The AcTiVe Set Top Box (STB) was the last developed by Acorn, it went to Element 14 when the Digital TV division seperated to form Element 14. When Broadcom bought Element 14, the AcTiVe STB was acquired by PACE which continued to sell them.

Documents and manuals

Here is the AcTiVe 3875 User Guide.

AcTiVe Set Top Box

Element 14 AcTiVe Box

Element 14 AcTiVe box

Element 14 AcTiVe front

Element 14 AcTiVe (front)

Element 14 AcTiVe top

Element 14 AcTiVe (top)

Element 14 AcTiVe back

Element 14 AcTiVe (back)

Element 14 AcTiVe bottom

Element 14 AcTiVe (bottom)

Element 14 AcTiVe open

Element 14 AcTiVe with top removed

Element 14 AcTiVe circuit board

Element 14 AcTiVe circuit board

Here is a HiRes picture of the AcTiVe circuit board.



Serial No.KE32P N91801113
Unique identityn/a
MotherboardJ8800 Main PCB FR-4
Motherboard part no.BJ8800G04001
CPU ModelCL-PS7500FE56QC-A
CPU Clock56MHz
Memory ControllerARM7500 (IOMD)
Memory32MB SIMM
Memory Clock16MHz
Video ControllerARM7500 (VIDC20)
NICJ8800 Ethernet
OSActive OS 3.0.0
OS Date26 Mar 1999