Sprow ARM7 Coprocessor

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The ARM7 coprocessor can be used with the BBC Micro as an external coprossor aor as an internal coprocessor for the Master. It has a 64MHz ARM7 with 16MB memory and runs BASIC V.

I decided to upgrade a Master 128  to the ultimate specification so I couldn't resist buying an ARM7 coprocessor, the fastest co-processor for the BBC and Master.

Where to Buy

Full details of and how to buy the ARM7 Coprocessor are on Sprow's web pages .


Sprow ARM7 Co-processor top

Sprow ARM7 Coprocessor (top) 

Sprow ARM7 Co-processor back

Sprow ARM7 Coprocessor (bottom) 


The board comes with the following features:


Here is the ARM7 Coprocessor User Guide , kindly supplied by Sprow.