HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod

[Index by function]  [Index by Company] 

HCCS Ultimate A5000 Multipod version D top 

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version D ROM (top)

 HCCS Ultimate A5000 Multipod Version D ROM back

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version D ROM (back)

 HCCS Ultimate A5000 Multipod version D ROM bottom

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version D ROM (bottom)

HCCS Ultimate A5000 Multipode version F ROM top 

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version F ROM (top)

HCCS Ultimate A5000 Multipod version F ROM back 

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version F ROM (back)

 HCCS Ultmate A5000 Multipod version F ROM bottom

 HCCS "Ultimate" A5000 Multipod version F ROM (bottom)

HCCS produced the Archimedes Multipod podule with the Ultimate A5000 ROM to support multiple micro-podules. The podule could support 2 micro podules which slotted into the connectors in the middle of the card and cutouts in the backplate.

There are 2 different cards shown here. Both base cards are marked "Archimedes Multipod Iss 2" and dated 1992.
The first card has a version D ROM and a SCSI micro-podule.
The second card has a version F ROM, a Vision Digitiser micro-podule and a MIDI micro-podule with the sampler daughter board.

Here is the SCSI micro podule which is fitted to the version D card.
Here are the Vision Digitiser micro module and the MIDI micro podule  which are fitted to the version F system.